We remember a time when Black Friday sales were a south-of-the-border phenomenon, not something Canadians knew about. Now for the first time, pet food suppliers are offering Black Friday savings for our clients.
As our pets take increasingly central parts in our lives so do their diets. Vets rely on prescription diets to prevent and treat diseases ranging from sore ears to trouble peeing. In recent years, pet food suppliers both raised their prices significantly and had stock shortages that meant pets’ health suffered if an alternative diet was not found. So perhaps it is not so surprising that these suppliers are promoting their brands through Black Friday Sales.
Recognizing that not everyone can afford the food their pet needs, we are organizing a donation to the Kitchener Waterloo Stratford Perth Humane Society in time for Christmas. Please bring us your unopened and unexpired canned and dry cat and dog foods. Other items the humane society appreciates are treats and cat litter.
Our online Myvetstore is the best place to find all the Black Friday Sales offered by pet food and other suppliers, starting Friday, November 24th. Purina is planning a 40% discount on all their veterinary diets and supplements! There are also amazing savings for pets starting a new diet and getting their food by auto order. We would love to hear from you to talk you through the discounts available.
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