About Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital

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So far Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital has created 48 blog entries.

Veterinary Technician Student – Meet Kyra

Kyra is working for us while she studies Veterinary Technology as a long distance student. It has been a pleasure to watch her grow in her knowledge and skills in the short time she has been with us already. She was happy to be the latest in our team interview series. What is something veterinary [...]

Four ways your first vet visit keeps your kittens safe

At Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital, we want to give your kitten a healthy start. Cats can live for twenty years with protection from infection, good nutrition, and other preventative care. Their first visit to our veterinary hospital needs to cover a lot of testing and treatments. Let’s try to break that down into four ways [...]

Veterinarian, Practice Owner – Meet Dr Mara Ashby

Dr Mara Ashby opened Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital in 2013 after a long search for a location where she could offer high quality preventative care for cats and dogs in Waterloo. She designed the hospital, and trained her team, to consider the emotional as well as the physical needs of cats and dogs. She was [...]

Happy Holidays From All Of Us At Carriage Crossing

Happy Holidays! Is this holiday going to be different for your family and pets? Wishing you and your furry family a safe and happy break Hello to our wonderful clients and their pets! Do you feel like this holiday is going to be different than the last couple? Perhaps you are travelling or hosting family [...]

Secrets your senior cat is keeping

Senior cats like to keep secrets. Day to day they seem their normal selves. You see your senior cat eating, sleeping, grooming, and playing with toys. Their secret is that they are hiding important changes from you. Changes that can become serious health concerns without early intervention by your veterinarian. Why do cats keep their [...]

Veterinary Assistant – Meet Vanessa

Our third interview in our series is someone who has worked with Dr Ashby since they were both starting out. As a veterinary assistant,  Vanessa works in all parts of the hospital, from the exam rooms, to the reception desk, to our treatment room. She shows great compassion for our patients and their families and [...]

FAQs About Dog Ear Infections

Chronic ear infections can be distressing for dogs and their owners, and often can be difficult to treat, because they are caused by an underlying issue. Our Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital team wants to help by answering frequently asked questions about dog ear infections. Question: What causes ear infections in dogs? Answer: Bacteria and yeast [...]

Meet Lori – Office Manager

Our second interview in our series is someone our clients already know well. As our office manager, Lori is responsible for our inventory and orders, assisting with inpatient and outpatient care, and the majority of communications with clients. Lori started working for us in 2021 and has been a bubbly face of fun for the practice [...]

Nutritional Guidelines for Cat Owners

Your cat’s diet is obviously important to ensure their good health, but knowing how to properly feed them can be confusing. What should they eat? How much should they eat? How often should they eat? Our team at Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital wants to help by offering nutritional guidelines for cats to ensure your cat [...]

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