The Importance of Preventative Care

Improving Quality and Quantity of Life for Pets As a Fear Free Veterinary Practice, Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital prioritizes preventative care to enhance the health and happiness of cats and dogs. Our approach focuses on routine check-ups, vaccinations, dental health, and early detection of potential issues, including behaviour issues, all contributing to a longer, more [...]

Choosing Safe Chews and Toys

Did you know that broken teeth are the most common dental issue faced by dogs and cats? These fractures are often caused by unsafe chewing habits, exposing pets to chronic bacteria and inflammation. At Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital, we hope to spread awareness of dental risks before an injury ever happens. You might [...]

Navigating Eclipse Anxiety: Tips for Soothing Pets

Only humans are silly enough to look directly at the sun, our pets do not look at the sun and will not normally during an eclipse. Unfortunately, we may also be silly enough to carry them outside and point them at the eclipse on April 8th. We associate outdoor events with our pets and leaving [...]

Black Friday Pet Food Sales

We remember a time when Black Friday sales were a south-of-the-border phenomenon, not something Canadians knew about. Now for the first time, pet food suppliers are offering Black Friday savings for our clients. As our pets take increasingly central parts in our lives so do their diets. Vets rely on prescription diets to prevent and [...]

Making Halloween Less Spooky for Pets

Many people love Halloween. What’s not to love about a chance to dress up, party, and eat? Plenty if you are a dog or a cat!!! Halloween can be an extra spooky time of year for our pets. So let’s avoid the tricks for our pets and stick with the treats (healthy pet snacks, please). [...]

Pet Obesity Prevention

Pet Obesity Prevention Day: Celebrating Winnie's Win We are celebrating Pet Obesity Prevention Day, October 11th, by sharing our patient Winnie's journey from an obese to a healthy body condition. Her journey began when she was adopted in March of 2020. She had an a weight of 20.13lbs. We estimated her  body fat at 50%, [...]

Happy Tenth Anniversary Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital!

On September 28th, Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital turns 10 years old! I am Dr. Mara Ashby and I founded our hospital ten years ago. I have met so many great people and pets since then that I wanted to invite all of you to celebrate with us as we review our hospital's journey from a small [...]

Registered Veterinary Technician – Meet Heather

Meet Heather, our  registered veterinary technician. She loves that our hospital is Fear Free Certified and is quickly on her own way to becoming Elite Fear Free Certified. Her confidence and competence allows us all to relax during tricky procedures. Her quiet presence is soothing to animals and people and she is a great couseller [...]

Bring your cat to the vet day

 Have we seen your cat lately? As a Fear Free Certified Practice, at Carriage Crossing Animal Hospital we offer low-stress visits that help our cat patients visit regularly so that they can stay healthy. We may see your dog all the time but have we seen your cat lately? The purpose of 'Bring your cat [...]

Veterinary Assistant – Meet Abby

Get to know Abby, our  veterinary assistant who is working for us this summer. Abby is very bright and hard-working. You may meet her helping with your pet's invoice, taking notes in appointments, answering the phone and putting her special touch on our social media posts. Abby plans on applying to Ontario Veterinary College to [...]

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